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The Europrotocol is a simplified version of registering the scene of an accident, in which traffic police officers do not participate.

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To receive compensation from an insurance company under a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, you will need to correctly draw up a document without making mistakes. The procedure has its own characteristics and nuances that you should know before registering the scene of the incident.

What it is

Europrotocol is a special form of registration of the scene of an accident, in which drivers independently draw up the documents necessary to receive an insurance premium. With this method, law enforcement officers are not called.

The Europrotocol in Russia began to function relatively recently. Its introduction helped solve several problems:

  • reducing the burden on law enforcement agencies and insurance agents;
  • reduction in the number of recording of administrative offenses (when the traffic police are called, the culprit will be fined);
  • reducing congestion and traffic jams, which is especially important in large cities during rush hours;
  • achieving mutual understanding between drivers.

Registration of an accident under the European Protocol also has advantages for drivers:

  • there is no need to call and wait for traffic police officers;
  • the time required to register an incident is reduced;
  • quick resolution of the situation eliminates traffic jams.

Russian and foreign citizens are allowed to file an accident under the European Protocol. If the car is registered in another country, then the driver must have it with him.

In his absence, traffic police officers are called, since this circumstance is a violation and the foreign citizen (if he is the culprit in the accident) will have to pay compensation from his own pocket.

The Europrotocol can be issued subject to several conditions:

  1. No injured persons. No people were injured in the accident: drivers, passengers, pedestrians. If you are injured, you cannot do without calling the traffic police.
  2. Only two cars were involved in the accident. According to the European Protocol, an accident cannot be registered if more than two cars are damaged. It is worth considering that a cargo transport with a trailer consists of two cars.
  3. Drivers have a valid MTPL policy. Both drivers must be insured, regardless of who caused the accident.
  4. There are no disagreements. One of the drivers is ready to admit his guilt, as indicated in the notice. If the participants in the accident have disagreements, you will need to call the traffic police.
  5. Providing the vehicle for inspection. The culprit of the accident is ready to provide his vehicle for inspection for examination and transfer his part of the notice to the insurer.
  6. The car received minor damage. The driver will have to “by eye” determine the amount of damage. If it does not exceed 50 thousand rubles, then you can independently register the scene of the incident.

What does it look like

When drawing up the Europrotocol, you need to act as follows:

  1. Make sure that no people were injured in the accident and that only two vehicles collided.
  2. Inspect the vehicle for damage and visually assess the extent of the damage.
  3. Check that both drivers have an insurance policy and make sure that they are valid as of the current date.
  4. Agree with the driver to independently file an accident and determine the culprit of the accident.
  5. Take high-quality photographs of the scene of the incident. It will be necessary to record the general position of the cars (so that the terrain is visible, in another photo - the vehicle number), the damage to the cars in general and close-up.
  6. Ask witnesses to write statements and leave their contact information.

The form itself for registering an accident under the European Protocol is a notification of an accident. It consists of a front side, a back side and an insert that copies all the information entered.

The notice includes several questions regarding the circumstances of the accident.

Consists of sections:

  • data about cars and drivers;
  • date and place of the accident;
  • incident diagram;
  • damage received;
  • circumstances of the accident.

Where can I get the form?

The form for drawing up the Europrotocol is issued to policyholders upon...

Additionally, the driver must receive a memo with the rules for filling it out. You can see an example of drawing up a document at the information stand in the office of the insurance company.

If for some reason the form was lost, you should contact the insurance company for a duplicate. At the scene of an accident, it is allowed to fill out a notice from another driver.

The European Protocol drawn up on a regular sheet of paper is not accepted. It is recommended to have two forms with you so that in case of an accident you do not have to worry about the lack of a document. It is worth considering that the notice should not be torn, wrinkled or dirty.

Changes in filling

From the beginning of the Europrotocol to the present day, no changes have been made to the procedure for drawing up the document. But for violating legal norms you will have to pay an increased fine.

Thus, if you leave the scene of an accident and refuse to register the incident by calling the traffic police or on your own, a penalty is provided in the form of deprivation of your driver’s license for one and a half years or arrest for 15 days.

Sample form and filling example

When drawing up the Europrotocol yourself, you should take into account several important nuances:

  1. After an accident, you cannot move the car, even if it interferes with the movement of other vehicles.
  2. First of all, you should take photographs. A mobile phone camera is suitable for this. It is important that the vehicle numbers are visible in the photographs.

    It is also necessary to take close-up photographs showing the damage received. The car of not only the injured party is removed, but also that of the person responsible for the accident.

  3. After taking photographs, the car can be driven to the side of the road if it is making it difficult for other cars to move.
  4. Having driven the vehicle away, it is necessary to take photographs of the braking paths and debris, if any.
  5. You should immediately take the data of witnesses and, if possible, record their testimony on separate sheets of paper.
  6. After the actions taken, draw up a Europrotocol. It is recommended to first make a draft on a blank piece of paper, then transfer the information to the notification form.
  7. You cannot repair your car before contacting the insurance company. The insurer will appoint an expert to assess the damage.

When drawing up the Europrotocol, you should be guided by the example provided by the insurance company along with the form when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Mistakes and blots must not be allowed.

If there are corrections in the notice, the insurance company may not accept it for consideration.

Other rules for document execution are also taken into account:

  1. You need to fill out the form with a blue ballpoint pen. Please write in large block letters with legible handwriting.
  2. Thoughts are presented competently, using generally accepted terms, without jargon or unnecessary words.
  3. Each item in the notice is signed; information should be entered in the appropriate column. Each driver can indicate information about his car, or the document is filled out by one person under the control of the second participant in the accident.
  4. Don't describe the incident in too much detail. But all important data must be indicated.
  5. If corrections are allowed in the notice, they are certified by the signatures of both drivers.

The road accident diagram for the European Protocol is drawn up with the most accurate indication of the nuances of the location of the vehicles.

She must select information:

  • the location of cars relative to each other after a collision;
  • direction of movement of each vehicle;
  • features and configuration of the road where the accident occurred (for example, a turn, a mountain, an intersection, etc.);
  • presence of road markings;
  • address of the scene of the incident (street and house number near which the collision occurred);
  • road signs, traffic light color;
  • the presence of defects in the road surface that caused a car collision.

The diagram should look like this:

To correctly draw up the Europrotocol, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Location of the accident: the exact address of the accident is indicated.
  2. Date of accident: indicate the date and time of the accident that occurred in the boxes provided for this.
  3. Number of vehicles: the number of vehicles involved in an accident. When registering the Europrotocol, the value will be “2”.
  4. Number of injured: the first window indicates the number of people injured, the second - the number of deaths. When registering the Europrotocol, both indicators are equal to 0.
  5. Examination for the presence of alcohol intoxication: was a medical examination of the drivers carried out? Since law enforcement officers are not called, the “no” box is checked.
  6. Damage caused to other vehicles and property: indicates whether other vehicles and property of third parties were damaged in the accident. "No" is indicated.
  7. Witnesses: indicate the name and registration address of witnesses to the accident.
  8. Was the accident registered by a traffic police officer: indicate “no”.
  • from points 9 to 15, each driver independently enters information about the car, personal data and insurance;
  • paragraph 14 describes the damage sustained by the car in an accident. You should carefully consider this section so that each driver does not write non-existent damage;
  • Paragraph 16 describes the circumstances of the accident. Only true information is indicated using existing terms: overtaking, changing lanes, etc.

Each driver must sign the front of both parts of the notice. It is recommended to first check the correctness of the entered data.

Maximum payment under the Euro Protocol in case of an accident in 2020

Previously, it was possible to issue a Europrotocol provided that the amount of damage was no more than 25 thousand rubles.

Now the maximum payment has been increased to 50 thousand rubles. If the damage exceeds this amount, the insurance company does not pay compensation.

In Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the maximum amount under the Europrotocol is 400 thousand rubles.

At the same time, drivers must have satellite equipment installed in their cars to determine the exact location of the incident.

The validity period of the European Protocol in case of an accident is 5 days. During this period, the driver must contact the insurance company with documents to receive compensation. According to , the insurer has 20 days to compensate for damage.

In what cases is it not issued?

The Europrotocol is not issued in several cases:

  • only one car was damaged (for example, there was a collision with a fence);
  • a car hits other cars in a traffic jam;
  • drivers cannot come to a mutual opinion and decide who caused the accident;
  • it is impossible to estimate the amount of damage or it exceeds the norms established by law;
  • one of the cars has a trailer, which is equivalent to a full-fledged vehicle;
  • one of the drivers is intoxicated;
  • people were injured in road accidents;
  • incident is not .

It can be quite difficult to assess the damage on your own. Especially if the collision occurred with an expensive car.

If in doubt, it is better to call the traffic police so that you will not be left without compensation in the future. If there is a small scratch or dent on the car, then you can file the incident according to the European Protocol.

What to do with a document after an accident

Having drawn up the Europrotocol, you must carefully check the document for errors. The contact details of the second driver must be recorded.

With the MTPL policy and the European Protocol, the injured driver should contact his insurance company within 5 days and write an application for compensation.

After reviewing the documents, a referral for examination is issued. The person responsible for the accident must be present and present his car for inspection.

Recently, Russian drivers have had the opportunity to file minor accidents without calling the traffic police. The document that is drawn up is called the European protocol. Let's look at the various nuances that are associated with this, including how to apply for and receive compensation under the European protocol.


The Europrotocol is a document that allows you to deal with the situation of a minor accident without calling the traffic police. This speeds up the registration process, after which those involved in an accident can safely continue their journey. It was introduced to make life easier for those involved in an accident and for drivers of other cars passing on the road.
To exercise this right, you must first study information about this issue. Then errors in actions and document preparation are minimized, and therefore compensation under the European protocol is received without problems.

Let's first consider the nuances associated with the design. So, if a collision occurs, you should:

  • stop the vehicle and put up a special sign notifying other road users;
  • photograph the accident, describe and record the damage, and, if possible, estimate how much repairs will cost;
  • obtain information about the participants in the accident and find witnesses, if possible.

With the first action - stopping - everything is clear. But questions may arise with photographs.

Photos, videos and other actions that can help

In order for the photographs to be useful to the insurance company, they must be taken correctly. Let's study this in more detail.

  1. First, they take several photos of the general picture of the accident, recording it from different angles.
  2. Then the braking marks are removed with a close-up view.
  3. After this, the damage is photographed.
  4. The license plate number of the other participant in the accident must be included in the footage.
  5. Before registering an accident according to the European protocol, they call the insurance company and notify them of the incident. At the same time, if you expect to receive the maximum amount of 400,000 rubles or close to it, then the equipment with which photos and videos were taken must meet the requirements established by the government. The accident, in turn, must be recorded by a satellite navigation system.
  6. If there were witnesses to the collision, try to collect their contact information. Testimony will be needed if you have to defend what happened. But this is not necessary.


The European protocol is not allowed to be drawn up in all cases. The law spells out specific conditions under which this procedure is permitted. Compensation under the European protocol is received when all the mandatory conditions are met. Let's list them briefly.

  1. No one should get hurt in an accident.
  2. The collision was between two vehicles only.
  3. Drivers agree to all conditions and claims put forward to each other.
  4. They left the scene of the accident after the registration of the European protocol was completed and the signatures were affixed to the document.

If at least one of the above points does not match your situation, call the traffic police, otherwise you will not be able to get insurance. In addition, you need to remember that compensation under the European protocol has limits.


Let’s imagine a situation that satisfies all the conditions for independent registration. We have a document in front of us that needs to be filled out.
Let's first consider the general points about it.

  1. Drawing up a European protocol is only possible with a ballpoint pen.
  2. It is compiled by one of the participants, but both drivers make entries in special columns.
  3. The reverse side is filled in by each individual separately.
  4. Once completed, the form is cut and each participant receives their own copy.
  5. Drivers sign for each of them.
  6. Any corrections after separation are unacceptable.
  7. To notify the insurance company, the participant in the accident is given three days from the date of the accident.
  8. You also need to take photos and videos. These materials are recorded within an hour after the incident. This rule is included in the CASCO registration this year.


We have already briefly examined the conditions under which a European protocol is issued in case of an accident. Let us highlight their features.

  1. No one should be harmed in an accident. Moreover, this applies not only to drivers and passengers of cars involved in an accident, but also to pedestrians.
  2. Only in the event of a collision between two cars is a document drawn up without calling the traffic police. If three cars were involved in the accident or, conversely, only one, then it is necessary to call an inspector. The same applies if one of the two cars is equipped with a trailer.
  3. Another important condition is that both one and the other party to the accident must have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Moreover, you should check that the other driver has a valid one.
  4. Participants in an accident should not have any disagreements regarding the circumstances of the incident. Therefore, it is advisable to check whether one of them added something to the European protocol that was not agreed upon.
  5. Damage was caused only to vehicles. If public property has been damaged, then independent action is impossible.
  6. You must describe in detail all damage caused to the car. It is based on this record that the insurance company calculates the payment.
  7. In addition, one of the participants in the accident must admit guilt unconditionally. That is, there should be no postscripts or ambiguous statements.

You need to understand that any, even minor, errors when filling out can cause refusals under the European protocol from insurance companies. Therefore, if you have doubts, it is better to call the traffic police.


Notification forms are issued by the insurance company where the MTPL agreement is drawn up. If for some reason you don’t have them left, you can contact your insurer to issue a new set.

The forms are double-sided. They are divided into two columns, which must be filled out. On one side they enter information about the participants in the accident, witnesses, the location and circumstances of the incident, the causes, damage to the cars, and other things. Then the form is unfastened and the reverse side is filled out individually.

Front side

Let's move on to filling it out. The items on the front side are filled out especially carefully. All necessary information, insurance information and a detailed description of the damage must be included. Let's consider how to compose those points in which the participants in the accident make the maximum number of mistakes.

  1. In paragraph 13, a diagram of what happened is displayed. Here not only the vehicles at the time of the accident should be drawn, but also the names of streets and roads should be indicated, nearby stationary objects, traffic lights, road signs, etc. should be displayed.
  2. Damage is recorded at point 14. They write everything that is visible to the naked eye. Here you should make sure that the other driver does not attribute parts that broke before the accident. If the damage is not visible, they will be identified after the accident during inspection by specialists at the service station.
  3. Paragraph 16 describes the circumstances under which the collision occurred. All details are noted in this column. The situation is analyzed and described very clearly.
  4. In paragraph 17, they draw a diagram of what happened.
  5. In paragraph 18, the parties sign the document.

After this, the form is divided into parts and the reverse side is filled out.

back side

Everything that is described from the reverse side is not shown to each other. This part is filled out by each driver independently. If the form is spoiled, take another one and fill it out again. As already noted, there should be no corrections on it. If another participant does not want to fill out the European accident report properly, immediately call the traffic police officers, because such actions are unacceptable.

All drivers who have an MTPL policy must also have a European protocol form, which is issued by the insurance company. In addition, it is advisable that drivers print out a sample European protocol for themselves. Then, if an emergency occurs, it is easier to navigate and fill out the document the first time without errors.

Amount of damage

Currently, the legislator has fixed the maximum amount of compensation under the European protocol. This is, in general, 50,000 rubles. However, there are some exceptions.

  1. Thus, the amount will be only 25,000 rubles if at least one of the participants in the accident has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy signed before August 2, 2014.
  2. But if the accident occurred in Moscow, St. Petersburg or their regions, the limit under the European protocol becomes larger and amounts to 400,000 thousand rubles. However, this will only become possible if the system is implemented in the cars. If this is not the case, then there is no need to wait for compensation of more than fifty thousand rubles.

There are cases when, upon inspection, it turns out that the damage caused in an accident exceeds the amount of insurance. Then the driver who caused the accident pays the remaining amount out of his own pocket. This is the most unpleasant moment. By signing the document, he actually acknowledges this possibility.

You should be especially careful with Chinese-made cars. It often happens to them that even after a small collision at low speed, serious damage is caused to the car. Often this does not appear immediately. Thus, it is not enough to know how to behave in this situation and what rules of the European protocol exist. It is important to understand the possible damage that can be caused to your vehicle.

What could be the problem?

Let's look at some of the nuances that should be taken into account when drawing up the European protocol.

  1. If the culprit of the accident is registered in another state and has a green card, then the European protocol is issued in the usual manner.
  2. If the form contains information that the participants in the accident have disagreements about what happened, then the insurance company will invalidate the document. Then it will become very problematic to receive it using the European protocol.
  3. If there are discrepancies, the traffic police must be called.
  4. They will not receive insurance payment even if the document does not indicate the guilty parties. True, photo and video materials can save the situation.

Actions after registration

After the incident and drawing up a European protocol, the actions of the participants in the accident are as follows.

The victim submits a package of documents to the insurance company within five working days in order to receive compensation under the European protocol. It includes:

  • road accident notification form;
  • application for compensation, which is filled out in any form (if necessary, you can use the sample provided directly by the insurance company);
  • a medium with information about the fact of the accident (this could be a memory card with a video recording or photographs - then it should be noted that no changes or editing of the data were made).

The at-fault party should also visit their insurance company or send them a notification form. He must not begin repairing the vehicle within 15 days after the collision. But if you want to make repairs faster, then before that the car is submitted for inspection to the insurance company of another participant in the accident or they receive the appropriate permission to carry out repair work.

Problems with payment and tricks of drivers

If the insurer, having examined the materials provided to it by the injured party, refuses to compensate for the damage, or the amount expected by the injured party is significantly lower, it can file a claim against the insurance company by going to court. This possibility is fixed in paragraph 5 of Article 23 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Such a claim is addressed to a magistrate judge.

But it also happens when road users create artificial conditions to register an accident without calling road accident officers. If someone has abrasions or other injuries to the body, it is better not to risk it and call an inspector, and, if necessary, an ambulance. If this is not done, extremely unpleasant consequences can occur.


Thus, if you are involved in an accident, and the issue of choosing an option for registering an accident is being decided, do it consciously. Consider the recommendations given in the article.

It is worth adding that during the period of use of the European protocol, the share of insurance payments received as a result of registration in this way is no more than nine percent of all road accident cases. The small number of accidents in which participants decided to draw up documents without calling the traffic police officers is explained by the fact that in a collision it is rarely possible to objectively assess the amount of damage.
The guilty party always runs the risk that the maximum accident will not be enough to cover the damage, and then it will become ruinous, since it will have to cover the rest of the amount from its own pocket.

As you know, when registering a road accident under compulsory motor liability insurance, the parties have the right to do without traffic police inspectors. This procedure for interaction between participants in an incident and insurers is called the “Europrotocol”. It allows you to significantly save time if the cars have received minor damage.

Many car owners still treat the Europrotocol with distrust. Moreover, we are talking about both victims and perpetrators of road accidents. The fears of the latter are completely justified, because for them, registering an accident without the participation of a traffic police inspector can have serious consequences. What does the at-fault driver need to know so as not to encounter an unpleasant surprise?

The culprit always takes risks

The rules of compulsory motor liability insurance provide for the right of the victim to demand compensation for damage from the culprit of the accident when compensation under the “Euro Protocol” is not enough to repair the car. In this case, the victim cannot make property claims to the insurer who paid the compensation.

In other words, the restoration of the victim’s car is paid for by the culprit, but only when the cost of repair exceeds the maximum payment under the Europrotocol. In this case, the victim has the right to demand compensation for damage without taking into account wear and tear of parts. As a rule, in such circumstances, at-fault drivers do not agree to voluntarily pay for repairs. Naturally, only a court can resolve a dispute between participants in a road accident.

It is noteworthy that the amount of the culprit’s debt is determined on the basis of paid repair bills. Of course, for the guilty party, such a scenario becomes a nightmare, especially when it comes to a large sum of money.

It turns out that the at-fault driver paid for insurance, but still must partially pay for repairs to the victim’s car. To top it all off, the tariff in the MTPL calculator will increase for him, because the insurance company made a payment within the amount of compensation under the Europrotocol.

Thus, the person at fault for a traffic accident always runs the risk of facing unexpected expenses. Therefore, you need to be very careful when registering an incident without calling traffic police inspectors. In addition, in the case of the Europrotocol, the guilty driver can always resort to a little trick.

How to avoid problems?

Let’s say the driver has no doubt that it was he who provoked the incident, and the victim offers to file the incident according to the “Europrotocol”. In this situation, the first thing you need to do is assess the nature and extent of the damage. Of course, sometimes it is very difficult to determine how much it costs to repair any part of someone else's car.

In this case, it is advisable to contact the car manufacturer's dealer to have at least a rough idea of ​​the cost of restoration work. At the same time, you should not trust the victim’s assessment, because he may be wrong. In addition, he may simply lie in order to be able to repair the car without taking into account wear and tear.

If the culprit of the accident has the slightest suspicion that the cost of repairs exceeds the maximum payment under the Europrotocol, the accident should be registered with the participation of traffic police officers.

It will take more time, but the guilty driver will be sure that he will not be subject to financial claims in the future. When registering an accident involving police officers, the maximum payment is half a million rubles. The culprit will have to pay extra for repairing the victim’s car only if the cost of restoring the car exceeds the specified amount.

Another option

If the victim for any reason does not want to seek help from the traffic police, the person responsible for the accident should receive a receipt from him indicating that there are no claims. This document must indicate:

“I have no financial claims against the culprit of the accident regarding damage to my car in excess of the maximum possible insurance payment under the MTPL agreement under the Europrotocol.

The victim must put the date of issue of the receipt and signature. In addition, it is advisable that he indicate the following information.

  • Date and circumstances of the incident.
  • Information about the vehicles involved in the accident.
  • Details of those involved in the incident, including driver's license numbers.

If possible, the receipt must be certified by two witnesses. The document should definitely indicate their details, as well as contact coordinates. The testimony of witnesses will be useful if the victim wants to challenge the receipt in court.

Unfavorable outcome

So, if the at-fault driver decided to do without calling the police and did not demand a receipt from the victim, he may find himself in a difficult situation. It is best to evaluate the consequences of such a choice using a specific example.


As a result of the accident, the bumper, headlight and fender were damaged. The victim received the maximum possible payment under the Europrotocol. At the same time, the independent expert indicated in his conclusion that the bumper and fender can be repaired, and the headlight should be replaced.

Subsequently, the victim handed the car over to the dealership service station employees for repairs. During the repair process, it turned out that the bumper and fender needed to be replaced. Accordingly, this automatically increased the cost of restoring the car. As a result, the victim did not have enough compensation under the Europrotocol to fully pay for the repairs.

He went to court to recover from the person responsible for the accident the difference between the cost of repairs and the amount of insurance payment. The court satisfied the claim, using the car service invoices when assessing the damage. The culprit of the incident has almost no chance to challenge such a court decision, which means he will be forced to pay all the victim’s expenses for repairs.

In addition, you need to remember that the victim received a payment under the Europrotocol, therefore, the culprit driver will pay more for the renewal of insurance. As you know, the presence of accidents increases the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for all insurers without exception.

How to fill out an accident notification form?

Both drivers fill out one accident notification form: front and back sides are required.
In this case, it does not matter at all which participant in the accident the form will be filled out. Each driver selects any column and enters information about his vehicle.

  • 1. Location of the accident: indicate the city, street and number of the building closest to the accident; if the accident occurred at an intersection - street intersection; if not in a populated area - the name of the route, kilometer and direction of travel.
  • 2. Date of Accident: Note the date and time of the accident.
  • 3. Number of damaged vehicles: there should be only two, otherwise call the traffic police.
  • 4. In the column “Number of wounded/dead” there must be dashes, otherwise the use of the Euro Protocol is unacceptable.
  • 5. Examination of participants in road accidents for intoxication: not carried out when drawing up a Europrotocol.
  • 6. Material damage caused to other vehicles (except “A” and “B”): if, in addition to two vehicles, other property was damaged, registration of the Euro Protocol is unacceptable.
  • 7. Witnesses of the accident: indicate contact details of witnesses, if any (if possible, take written testimony from them about the circumstances of the accident).
  • 8. Was registration carried out by a traffic police officer: “no”, since the Europrotocol is drawn up without the participation of police officers. Next, each participant in the accident fills out his side (“A” or “B”).
  • 9. Make, model of the vehicle: data from the vehicle registration certificate is indicated.
  • 10. Vehicle owner: details of the person whose name is indicated on the registration certificate, including address.
  • 11. Driver of the vehicle: the details of the person driving the vehicle at the time of the accident are indicated (may differ from the details of the owner of the vehicle).
  • 12. Insurer: indicate the insurance company from the MTPL policy, the policy number and the expiration date.
  • 13. Location of initial impact: Only the location of the initial impact is indicated.
  • 14. Nature and list of visible damage: all visible damage is indicated.
  • 15. Notes: indicate which of the participants in the accident admitted his guilt, and the innocent one must indicate his innocence.
  • 16. Circumstances of the accident: indicate from those proposed. Be sure to note the total number of filled cells.
  • 17. Road accident diagram: it is necessary to indicate the contours of the roadway with the obligatory indication of street names, as well as the direction of movement. Indicate the location of vehicles, road markings, road signs, signs, traffic lights - everything that is related to the accident.
  • 18. Signatures of drivers certifying that there are no disagreements under paragraphs. 14, 15, 16, 17 are a mandatory condition for registering an accident using the Europrotocol.

If there is not enough space on the back of the form for a complete description, write down
the necessary data on a blank sheet of paper and attach it to the main form.
On the form you must mark “With attachment”, and on the attachment indicate
what document it refers to and by whom it was drawn up, and also have it certified
signatures of both participants in the accident, as on the front side of the form.

The Europrotocol is a notification of an accident, which is independently drawn up by the participants in the accident to indicate the fact of the incident and does not require the presence of traffic police officers at the scene of the accident.

Registration of an accident using the Europrotocol saves the time of those involved in an accident. The European protocol allows you to resolve the situation on the spot, without creating traffic congestion and difficulties for other road users.

By filling out the Europrotocol, participants in an accident confirm their agreement with the determination of the guilty and injured parties of the accident and, accordingly, with the right of the injured party to receive insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance at the expense of the guilty party.

The mandatory conditions for registering an accident using the Europrotocol are:

  • No casualties
  • Contact accident involving two vehicles (not including trailers)
  • In the accident, no damage was caused to property other than the vehicles of the participants in the accident
  • Both vehicles have an MTPL policy
  • The drivers of both vehicles are included in the insurance policies
  • The parties came to an agreement regarding the circumstances of the accident and the existing damage
  • Both parties expressed their readiness to register an accident using the Europrotocol and in the future follow all the obligations of participants in an accident

Registration of road accidents using the Europrotocol is carried out by mutual consent of the participants in the incident. If you are not sure about the circumstances of the accident, the assessment of the damage caused, or the constructive attitude of the second participant in the accident, you need to call the traffic police officers to register the accident in the usual manner!

We draw your attention to the change in the payment limit under the Europrotocol!

The maximum payment under the Europrotocol is 25 thousand rubles. for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded before 01.08.2014 and 50 thousand rubles for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after 01.08.2014.

In case of registration of documents about an accident that occurred in the territory of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, Leningrad region, according to the Europrotocol scheme, the insurance payment limit is 400 thousand rubles. (under compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after October 1, 2014).

If at least one of the participants in the accident has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy concluded before 08/02/2014, the limit of insurance payments under the Euro Protocol remains 25 thousand rubles.

Procedure for registration of the Europrotocol

When you sign up for an MTPL policy, the insurance company issues you accident notification forms. The notification of an accident is the Europrotocol, which must be filled out in the event of an independent registration of an accident without the participation of traffic police officers.

If necessary, you can obtain additional forms for the Notification of an Accident from your insurance company, print them from the website of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow or from the website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers!

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1002 dated October 1, 2014, a technical control device that provides photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage at the scene of a traffic accident must meet the following requirements:

  • The technical control device must record the following data about the circumstances of damage to the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident: date and time of photo and video shooting; coordinates of the location of the technical control device;
  • the coordinates of the location of the technical control device must be determined using navigation aids operating using GLONASS system technologies or technologies of other global satellite navigation systems.

A technical control device that provides uncorrected registration of data recorded using navigation aids operating using GLONASS or GLONASS technologies in conjunction with other global satellite navigation systems must comply with the requirements established by the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” (TP CU 018/2011) for a device for calling in-vehicle emergency services.

Enabling/disabling geolocation on Android smartphones depends on the phone model and firmware. In the current version, you need to go to the “Camera” application, then “Settings” > “Camera options” > “Photos with geotags” (off by default).

Enable/disable geolocation on iPhone: “Settings” > “Privacy” (“Privacy”) > “Geolocation” (mark the camera and/or applications that use photography).

When taking pictures, GPS must be turned on, then the iPhone will automatically add coordinates to the photo.

Photo and video filming must be taken no later than 60 minutes from the moment of the accident.

The shooting must contain the following images:

  • General plan of the accident scene
  • The relative position of vehicles involved in an accident with reference to transport infrastructure objects or other non-movable objects
  • Detailed plan of the scene of the incident: brake marks, broken parts, road markings
  • State registration plates of vehicles involved in the accident (or, in their absence, VIN identification numbers)
  • Both vehicles from all sides
  • Damaged vehicle parts

If, according to the participants in the accident, the damage is more than 50 thousand rubles, the photograph must contain coordinate data (after 01/01/2017 - GLONASS systems, before this period - other global satellite navigation systems are also possible).

The maximum payment under the Europrotocol is 25 thousand rubles. for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded before 01.08.2014 and 50 thousand rubles for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after 01.08.2014.

In case of registration of documents about an accident that occurred in the territory of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, Leningrad region, according to the Europrotocol scheme, the maximum insurance payment is 400 thousand rubles. (under compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after October 1, 2014).

In this case, the insurance company must be provided with data on the circumstances of damage to the vehicle as a result of an accident, which were recorded using technical control means that ensure uncorrected recording of information.

Such data is: photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage at the scene of an accident, as well as data recorded using navigation aids operating using GLONASS or GLONASS technologies in conjunction with other global satellite navigation systems.

If at least one of the participants in the accident has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy concluded before 08/02/2014, the payment limit under the Euro Protocol remains 25 thousand rubles.

Each participant in an accident provides his insurance company with a completed accident notification (Europrotocol). The notification is sent within 5 days from the date of the accident.

The injured party also provides:

  1. Claim for insurance compensation (claim for direct compensation for losses).
  2. Photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage taken at the scene of the accident. The data is provided on electronic media and must contain the date and time of shooting, as well as the coordinates of the location of the technical control device.
  3. A statement that the information specified in paragraph “B” is uncorrected.

The injured party should contact their insurance company.

If participants in an accident have doubts about independently assessing the cost of repairing vehicles, it is necessary to call the traffic police officers to register the accident according to the standard scheme, and not the Europrotocol.

Both vehicles involved in an accident must be insured under MTPL. If the injured party's car does not have an insurance policy, the owner has the right to refuse insurance payment.

The completed form must be submitted immediately (within 5 days) to the insurance company. There is no need to certify it to the traffic police.

Participants in an accident are not required to call an emergency commissioner to the scene of an accident.


The insurance company that paid the insurance compensation to the victim transfers its right to claim against the culprit of the accident in the amount of the payment made, if:

  • The person at fault for the accident did not provide his insurance company with a copy of the accident notification completed jointly with the victim within five working days.
  • The person at fault for the accident began repairing or disposing of the vehicle before the expiration of 15 calendar days (except for non-working holidays).
  • The person at fault for the accident did not provide, at the request of the insurance company, a vehicle for inspection or independent technical examination (according to the notification sent by the Insurer no earlier than 5 days before the date of inspection).


Participants in an accident, in the case of registration of an accident using the Europrotocol, should not begin repairing or disposing of vehicles until the expiration of 15 calendar days from the date of the accident (except for non-working holidays).

It is possible to begin the repair or disposal of vehicles before the expiration of the specified period only if there is a written consent of the insurance company (Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, paragraph 3 of Article 11.1. “Registration of documents regarding a road accident without the participation of authorized police officers”) or after the expiration of 15 days.

Meeting deadlines and agreeing on the possibility of repair/disposal with the insurance company is necessary to ensure the possibility of inspection or independent technical examination of vehicles involved in an accident.


Yes, this requirement of insurance companies is lawful (Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, paragraph 3 of Article 11.1. “Execution of documents regarding a road accident without the participation of authorized police officers”).

In case of registration of documents about an accident using the Europrotocol, the owners of vehicles involved in the incident, at the request of insurers, are obliged to submit these vehicles for inspection and (or) independent technical examination within five working days from the date of receipt of such a request. It should be borne in mind that the car owner has the right to send the vehicle for repairs on his own, but not earlier than 15 days from the date of transfer of all necessary materials to the insurance company and, if the insurance company did not receive written notification within the specified period (5 days before the date of inspection ) on the need to provide the vehicle for inspection.


Participants in an accident must submit their copies of the accident notice to their insurance companies at the address specified in the insurance policy no later than five days from the date of the accident.


A prerequisite for registering an accident using the Europrotocol is consent from both parties to the incident. If one of the participants in the accident does not want to register the incident using the Europrotocol, it is necessary to call the traffic police officers to register the accident in the usual manner.


Participants in an accident must come to a common opinion that the damage does not exceed the limit established by law (25 thousand rubles for MTPL agreements concluded before 08/01/2014, 50 thousand rubles for MTPL agreements concluded after 01/08/2014, 400 thousand . rubles for MTPL contracts concluded after 10/01/2014).


In this case, the accident must be registered by the traffic police, because a mandatory criterion for the applicability of the Europrotocol is that the participants in the accident agree on their views on the conditions of the accident and that one of the participants in the accident admits guilt.


A “no-contact accident” generally refers to an accident in which one driver obstructs a second driver, resulting in the second vehicle being involved in an accident and causing damage to a third party’s property (or their own property). There is no direct contact between vehicles.

It is not recommended to document such accidents using the European Protocol. A mandatory condition for processing documents about an accident without the participation of authorized police officers (Europrotocol) is the occurrence of an accident as a result of the interaction (collision) of two vehicles.

In addition, when making decisions on such road traffic accidents, the court is often based on the conclusion of a trace examination, which requires a detailed diagram of the road accident drawn up by traffic police officers.


Registration of documents about an accident without the participation of police officers (Europrotocol) is possible if the accident occurred as a result of the interaction (collision) of two vehicles (including vehicles with trailers), the civil liability of the owners of which is insured by a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.


Notification forms are standard for all insurance companies, so it does not matter on whose form the notification of an accident will be issued.


Europrotocol forms can be obtained free of charge from your insurance company or printed from the website of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow, or on the RSA website.


If all the conditions necessary for registering an accident under the Euro Protocol are met, the participants in the accident have issued a notification of the accident in accordance with the MTPL Rules and have no disagreements, they can leave the scene of the accident (Section 2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation “General responsibilities of drivers”, subclause 2.6.1 .).

Accordingly, the fact that the driver who left the scene of the accident has a Notice of Road Accident, issued in accordance with the established requirements, cannot be considered as a failure to fulfill obligations in connection with the accident, liability for which is provided for in Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.


Registration of an accident using the Europrotocol does not require calling police officers to the scene of the accident and saves time for the participants in the accident. The European protocol allows you to resolve the situation on the spot, without creating traffic congestion and difficulties for other road users.


Europrotocol is the preparation of documents about an accident without calling the police. In other words, this is an opportunity to independently document the fact of a traffic accident in order to subsequently contact the insurance company for compensation, and promptly leave without creating congestion on the road.