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Fake motor oil (Mazda, Toyota, Nissan, GM) how to distinguish. Car oils and everything you need to know about motor oils Fake Nissan 5w40 oil

Before purchasing Nissan motor oil in a specialized store or car market, we recommend that you examine the container for counterfeit elements. Basically, containers of counterfeit liquid can be distinguished by the quality of the label, printing, ink and markings indicated on the back.

Before purchasing Nissan lubricant, pay attention to the packaging and consider:

  1. covers;
  2. the material from which the canister is made;
  3. company logo;
  4. fonts and print quality;
  5. front side;
  6. location of the red stripes.

Detecting counterfeit Nissan oil

Seams on the canister

The original lubricant product from Nissan is poured into seamless canisters. If the presence of seams connecting its two parts is noticed on the canister, then we can definitely say that the proposed motor fluid is a fake.

Stopper on the canister

On a branded Nissan motor oil canister, the cap is pressed deep. Such an element not only speaks of ergonomics from a Japanese manufacturer, but also emphasizes the originality of the product. Note that the fake container has no indentations, and the smooth stopper is made of low-quality plastic with notches.

Differences in the handle

We carefully examine the canister in the handle area. The Nissan original is characterized by a smooth canister made of high-quality plastic. On counterfeit products, the handle is made in a triangular shape with rounded edges. The inner part contains corrugated plastic.

Company logo

Original oil manufacturers use the Nissan branded symbol on the label. Unlike a counterfeit product, the emblem is printed in 3D graphics with invisible elements and halftones. As for the counterfeit, a larger sign is used here, and blurred details are also visible, since cheap printing is used to create a clandestine label.

Quality of printed fonts

The font sizes on the fake and original packaging do not differ. However, on the counterfeit product the fonts are not clearly printed, but blurred, which makes it possible to distinguish the illegal oil from the original Nissan.

Band size

The canister has a bright red stripe, which indicates the originality of the oil. The counterfeit ones have thick lines and the stripes have a dark red tint due to poor printing quality.

Front side

The front of the Nissan oil label does not contain SAE marking codes. Codes according to SAE standards are indicated on the counterfeit product - thereby, underground manufacturers are trying to mislead the buyer.

Label back

On the reverse side of the counterfeit label, as a rule, the word NISSAN is written in a large and blurry dark red font. As for the original product, the inscription is also bright red, but with a smaller font and three-dimensional letters.

Other differences

Continuing to analyze the back of the label, we note that the information on the lubricant product in the original looks crisp and clear, and the red line evenly emphasizes the designations and divides them in half. At the bottom there are three conditional columns where information is placed in the form of a barcode. Under it indicate:

  1. information about the manufacturer;
  2. date of production and bottling of oil;
  3. storage conditions;
  4. performance characteristics;
  5. icons;
  6. volume in displacement.

A counterfeit liquid may also contain similar information, but it is blurry and in small print. In addition, distortions are very often observed due to low-quality canister material and conventional printing.

Differences between the original and the fake can also be observed in the lower part of the container. On the original packaging, the Nissan branding is located at the bottom of the canister. On the left side there is an hourglass and a marking code. On counterfeit canisters, instead of the Nissan inscription, the designation PLYSU is indicated with a minimum code size of 3 to 5 characters. On the right side are the Nissan signature logos in a triangle, surrounded by an embossed square and dashes. On the fake, the lines are blurred, and in the triangle there is the inscription KORE; the seams are rougher with jagged edges.

What to do if counterfeit lubricant was poured into the engine?

Sometimes situations arise when it is not possible to detect a fake, since it was made almost in accordance with the original. If a car owner purchased counterfeit oil and managed to use it in the engine, it is recommended to take the following actions:

1). Listen to how the power unit works. If a fake Nissan fluid is used, the engine will begin to make loud sounds, as well as characteristic knocking noises after 1000 km.

2). Submit the composition for analysis in the laboratory. Alternatively, you can drain some of the oil and place it in a glass container to freeze in the refrigerator. The result will be known after freezing at -32°C. If the liquid has retained its fluidity and density, and no white spots have appeared on the surface, then this indicates high-quality Nissan factory oil. If white spots or peeling appear, the counterfeit oil must be drained, the engine system must be thoroughly rinsed and refilled with high-quality motor oil. Similar experiments can also be carried out with a normal refrigerator freeze at -18°C.

3). We pay attention to transparency. Factory oil is characterized by thickness and amber color, while fake oil is lumpy and cloudy. Good quality fakes do not produce sediment, but in bright light they still remain cloudy and dense compared to the original.

Before choosing Nissan car oil, carefully study the packaging features of the original product and compare each element. This method will protect the buyer from choosing counterfeit goods.

You and I already know that I fake everything. It’s especially offensive when you not only overpaid for a fake, but thereby also aggravated what depended on this fake. This can be attributed to motor oil, when at first you overpaid, and then also paid for the fact that you paid for the wrong thing. After all, you can’t fool the engine, and lubricating properties and additives won’t appear from an unreasonable overpayment, they either exist or they don’t. As a result, the quality of the engine oil will affect the engine life. That is why you need to clearly understand what you are pouring into the belly of your car. In this article we will talk about expensive branded oils and their counterfeits. After all, these are the oils that are most profitable to counterfeit, which means you can often find counterfeits of them. Here it is necessary to note that in our country, even obviously fake oils can have “clean” documents, such a paradox. That is, looking at certificates and similar pieces of paper is pointless; you must be prepared to refuse oil in the store based on the criteria of the appearance of the packaging and label. But what these criteria will be, we will talk about this further...

Let’s say right away that if you come to the store unprepared, you may not even be able to distinguish a fake from the original. That's why it's important to know what to look for.

Mazda engine oil, how to distinguish from a fake

Non-original Mazda oil significantly reduces print quality. The original label is rich in halftones, but with the fake it obviously didn’t work out as it should. First of all, we can highlight the weak contrast. Just look at the small details - the spot marked with a blue arrow (original). On a fake it is almost invisible. Actually, just like the “zoom-zoom” inscriptions.

Further. The original label is drawn in vector format, that is, with smooth, clear edges. Fake - a clear scan from the original, with blurry ones. Where there should be clear transition boundaries (white letters on a black background), they are not clear. Mixed “transition” pixels are clearly visible along the border. And the letter U actually fit and got mixed up with the letters Z and D. Naturally, there is no such thing on the original oil canister.

The plugs are the most significant difference between Nissan and Mazda fake oil cans. Apparently, to increase profitability and reduce labor costs, the criminals made only one mold for releasing plugs, and it is very similar to the Toyota one. In Mazda, the center of the lid should have a three-hole groove, and on the petals, by which the central part is pulled out, there are four grooves for bending.

The fake lid is simply flat.
The back sticker of the fake has a double-layer structure (some people consider this to be proof of the original). In fact, this too is faked. In the original canister, the bottom layer is already cut off in the place where you should pick it up with your finger. The fake one doesn't have that.

And in general, the quality of the surface pasting is worse - there may be waves on the label, sand and dust under the sticker.
The fake canisters themselves are made of less quality than the original. The described signs are more than enough to distinguish the left Dexelia from the real one - the original one.
Here are a few more signs with pictures of how to distinguish a fake from the original.

It seems like little things, but the main thing is not in them, but in what is in this canister!?

Nissan engine oil, how to distinguish from a fake

As for Nissan, the main difference is in the same traffic jam. We talked about this above.

Although, of course, there are more than enough other little things that are worth paying attention to...

This is mainly due to poor print quality and inconsistency in the molding of the canister.

Toyota engine oil, how to distinguish from a fake

Toyota oil clearly has a cheaper plastic canister ("wrinkled", slightly different color), unclear stamping of the displacement and measuring strip.

Here are photos from one of the forums. But keep in mind that Toyota has a wide list of oils, and, for example, the plug on the original 0w30 is practically indistinguishable from a fake one and does not have the seal shown in the picture.

It is clearly visible that the color of the canister is different. The photo does not convey all the shades, but in life it will be noticeable.
Some oils from Toyota even had erroneous labels. Perhaps they were not scanned, like Mazda's, but drawn in Photoshop or something similar. The country of manufacture was written from the lantern.

GM motor oil, how to distinguish from a fake

The oil is very popular among Chevrolet car owners. Pay attention to the canister. It is the container that fails most often, as in the cases above. Broken and loose plug. Inaccurate canister shapes with different casting thicknesses. The walls are thick, but in the corners the plastic is so thin that it easily bends inward at the touch of a finger.

The lower part completely gives away the fake. Look at how the seam is made on the fake oil canister on the right.

Here you don’t even need to be a great specialist. It is better to avoid such GM oil.

It is with Toyota motor oils that there are most problems. Apparently, the production and sales volumes are the most significant, which means there are more fakes here than others.
We haven't mentioned Mobil, Castrol and others. Here you also need to be careful and proceed from the quality criteria of packaging and labels.
It is best to have an original canister against which to compare what you are going to buy. This will at least to some extent prevent you from counterfeits, which means it will protect your car from a low-quality product, and you from problems with it.

Fraudsters, getting smarter every day, have learned to counterfeit almost all lubricants. Previously, counterfeit products were detected only from popular manufacturers; now even a little-known brand is not immune from the “fake” fate. According to reviews from car owners, counterfeits of Nissan 5W40 oil are now becoming more common. And this despite the fact that Nissan 5W40 synthetic motor lubricant is not very popular among car owners, so the consumer places an order for the product at specially designated sales points and dealership centers.

Differences between original and counterfeit

When making any purchase, whether in a specialty store or at the market, you should carefully inspect the packaging for signs of counterfeiting. Typically, the container containing a low-quality mixture has several obvious distinctive features.

To avoid filling the power unit of a car with counterfeit goods, you need to visually evaluate the packaging.

Presence of seams in the container

The original lubricant is always stored in seamless reservoirs. If there is a visible seam on the packaging element that connects the two halves of the container, this means that the buyer is looking at a counterfeit product.


The stopper on the packaging of the proprietary Nissan 5W40 compound is pressed deep into it. It is very convenient to use. There are no depressions on the counterfeit product; the stopper of the packaging element is smooth, with “handicraft” notches.


There should be no notches or images on the outer area of ​​the container handle. If the packaging material shows a triangle with rounded areas and corrugated polymer, then it is 100% counterfeit. This is how unscrupulous manufacturers try to deceive consumers and pass off counterfeits as originals.


The Nissan logo applied to the information area is made with a 3D effect, since the manufacturer of high-quality products applies the image in a three-dimensional manner. Even the tones and semitones differ in the symbol. The Nissan designation on the fake is very large and additional small details of the brand name are blurred and cannot be distinguished. This is understandable, because a low-quality label is produced on a standard printer.


The font on the information label is also faked. On a fake, the letters are large, but not clear, and this allows one to judge that the buyer is looking at fake oil.

Mark of distinction

The red line on the packaging of a counterfeit product is very thick and has several shades of this color. The original product's color line is bright, clear and thin.


The front section of the container of proprietary 5W40 lubricant does not have any encryption data other than the SAE standard. Indicating additional codes on the front side is considered a good way to deceive the average user into purchasing a low-quality product.

Wrong side of the label

On the back of the label of the original 5W40 lubricant mixture, the word NISSAN is not striking. The color and font of the letters are even and voluminous.

If you look further at the back side of the label, you can note the fact that the entire information component of the Nissan 5W40 product is created without marks and in full. The red segment smoothly divides the designations in half, and at the bottom in three columns the code, information about the manufacturer and the main parameters of the release are placed. If the composition is of poor quality, the data on the back of the package will not be completely printed and will be printed using ordinary printing.


An important distinguishing factor is the line at the bottom of the canister, separating the bottom from the label. A real container has a beveled section, while a counterfeit one has a rounded shape. Also on the bottom of the Nissan 5W40 container there is a specific manufacturer symbol: a code consisting of numbers and an hourglass.

Synthetic all-season motor oil Nissan 5W40 is intended for the latest Nissan engine systems running on gasoline or diesel and meets all the new requirements for Nissan engine lubricants. Among its obvious advantages are:

  • excellent energy-saving characteristics;
  • is highly resistant to various aggressive factors;
  • excellent wear resistance;
  • slight formation of precipitation in the system;
  • high performance indicators throughout the entire period of operation.

Nissan synthetic oil is suitable for the entire range of Nissan and Infiniti vehicles. API approval - SL/CF.

What to do if there is a counterfeit product in the system?

Unfortunately, situations increasingly arise where it is not always possible to identify a counterfeit Nissan 5W40 oil, and even people with extensive driving experience cannot cope with this task.

If a car owner comes across a high-quality counterfeit product, and it is already floundering in the vehicle’s engine, then it is recommended to follow some instructions:

  • It's worth listening to the car's engine. If the composition is of poor quality, the engine knocks loudly, and there is also a ringing sound of rubbing parts, as when the engine is running in.
  • You can send the composition to the laboratory for chemical analysis.
  • If you don’t want to bother with laboratory tests, then it’s fashionable to pour a little oil into a clean container and put it in the freezer for a while. The main thing is that the freezer cools to 32 degrees. If at this temperature the composition has not changed its properties and characteristics, including fluidity, then this lubricating fluid can be freely used for its intended purpose.

To avoid situations and not introduce counterfeit Nissan 5W40 oil into the engine system of your car, you should familiarize yourself with the main features of the original packaging before purchasing at a specialized point. This method will allow you to protect yourself from products offered by the shadow market and criminals.

To change the oil in a car engine, you must use only the original product - an axiom that does not require proof. But how to distinguish original Nissan 5w40 oil from a fake? This is what this article will discuss. At first glance, the canisters all look the same and are no different from each other. Knowledge and attentiveness are the main weapons of a car enthusiast! After all, it is important to identify counterfeit Nissan oil before it is poured into the engine.


Manufacturers of original Nissan oil care about the quality of their products and regularly protect them.

  1. The lid that closed the canister until 2016 is recessed 3-5 ml deep, and in the container released in 2016 it is flat.
  2. The release date can be seen on the bottom of the package. It is stamped with the year and month. More detailed information - the series and date of issue are qualitatively printed on the front side below the label. In 2016, the inscription became black, and in 2015, golden color was used. It is impossible to mechanically erase it without special means (acetone, solvent).
  3. The canister in which the counterfeit Nissan 5w40 engine oil is filled is roughly stamped, the plastic is hard to the touch, and the seam at the joints is sloppy.
  4. On the fake canister, the number 4 (capacity indicator) is stamped in the form of the letter H; in the original it looks like 4.
  5. Under the handle of the canister above the sticker in the original packaging, the triangular shape of the plastic has a barely noticeable imprint of the corner of the rigidity; in the fake it is more prominent.
  6. The translucent vertical mark of the remaining amount of oil in the original packaging is soft and pleasant to the touch.


The manufacturer indicates all the necessary information on the inscriptions on both sides of the canister. What should you pay attention to in order to distinguish original Nissan oil from the label?

  1. The print quality should be clear.
  2. The Nissan logo is printed in one color and has no highlights or halftones;
  3. In the right corner of the front label there should be an icon for turning to an additional page.
  4. More detailed information about the product should be on the label, which is “hidden” under the front.
  5. When peeled off, the cover page should not be sticky and should be easily glued into place.


Signs of poor quality oil affect engine performance, fuel consumption increases, vehicle life decreases, etc. This may be the cause of premature failure of not only individual engine elements, but also the power unit as a whole. How to distinguish original Nissan oil from a fake? To do this you need:

  1. Carefully examine its color and density. The original is more fluid and transparent.
  2. Place a small amount of oil in the freezer for 1-2 hours. After extraction, the original oil retains good fluidity, unlike the fake, which thickens.
  3. Take out the dipstick and drop some oil onto a paper towel. The oil stain should not spread quickly or increase in size.
  4. To determine the quality of oil in a used car, you need to unscrew the filler neck and carefully examine the inner surface of the cap. There should be no dense oily deposits on it.

If there is any doubt that a counterfeit product has been poured into the engine, then immediately drain it, add flushing oil and let the engine run for 20-30 minutes. Then drain the waste, replace the oil filter and fill with original oil.