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The king had 4 daughters. Learn a winning card trick. Show the trick to your friends. Card trick: listen to the “talking cards”

Cards are many-sided props that can be used in countless performances. This article reveals another fun trick that can be demonstrated both on the street and on stage.

So how do you make a queen appear between two selected cards?

What's the trick?

The trick involves only an ordinary deck of cards. In advance, the magician takes out two cards of the same value. It is better to take an illustrated pair such as two aces, two kings or jacks. In our example, these are aces of spades and clubs.

The trickster snaps his fingers and flips off the top ace, under which the queen is facing the viewer. The second time the aces are turned over and placed face down on top of the deck. Click again - and again there is a queen between the cards.

And so three times: after the click, another “beauty” appears between the two top aces. The fourth time the magician simply passes the reversed ace over the queens, it turns into a similar card.

Instructions for performing the illusion

We start with the fact that in addition to a pair of aces, we need to remove all 4 queens from the deck. We place the queens on top of the deck in turn: the black one (spades or clubs - it doesn’t matter) - face down, then the red one - face down, then again the black one “face down” and the red one “back up”. Of course, we don’t show this to the viewer.

  1. We let the viewer check the selected aces. The remaining cards in the deck are in our hand. While the person is checking, we quietly separate the top two cards in the deck with our little finger and hold a small gap with our finger.
  2. Now, one by one, we place the aces on top of the pair of queens marked with the little finger. The first ace is placed in the usual position, and the second one should be moved slightly higher than the previous one.
  3. Now you need to turn over all 4 cards (2 aces and 2 queens) and push the protruding ace inside the deck. We snap our fingers.
  4. We flip through the cards, and one queen, upside down, already lies between the 1st and 3rd cards. The catch is that our queen, if we carefully imagine all the steps, turns out not to be between the aces, but between one ace and another queen. But the viewer does not see this, since the cards are turned face down towards him.
  5. We take out the revealed queen card and show it to the viewer. While he is inspecting it, we slip the top card in the deck - a queen - into the deck. That is, you need to quietly change it with the ace lying behind it.
  6. Now the ace is on top - it needs to be turned over, shown to the viewer, and placed face down again. Behind him is a queen (face down), and behind the queen is an ace again.
  7. Now we discreetly separate the top 3 cards and leave a gap with the little finger. Carefully turn them over like 1 card. Now the ace is looking at the viewer. And the next two cards also lie face up. We snap our fingers. We show the top 3 cards: ace, queen, ace.
  8. We postpone the lady again. Now the situation is the same as in the first step. Aces - up. We turn over 4 cards. Click. We show the third queen between two cards (the ace and the last queen - it is on top). We throw it on the table or give it to the viewer.
  9. Next we say that you need to show the last lady. Since it lies on top, this step is simple. The spectator believes that we have an ace on top. We simply take a card and pass it over all the queens, turn it over and give the final fourth queen to the spectator.

Advice! Do not forget about small but important details in focus - gestures such as clicks, phrases, facial expressions to relax the viewer, distract him and bring magic to the performance.

When we were still very young, and did not know about special cards for tricks, with which you can do the literally impossible - for example, such as, the thirst to surprise no longer left us. And they showed magic tricks everywhere - at school, at camp, and even on the way to the sea coast. Of course, mastering complex tricks required perseverance, and finding information about them was not as easy as it is now. Therefore, very simple card tricks came to the rescue - fairy tales that do not require special training or sleight of hand.

Particularly popular among such tricks for children was " A Tale of a King and Four Daughters". To perform this simple trick, select from the deck one king, all aces, queens, jacks and any number cards (usually all sixes were used).

Moreover, the stacks are guaranteed to contain their contents. This is due to the fact that when withdrawing, they will all move and each end up with their own pair. So this trick can be performed without preparation, spending all your energy on artistry and training in communicating with the audience.

There is also a slightly more simplified version - " The Tale of Four Kings and Four Daughters", however, in our opinion, the effect in it is much more modest. To demonstrate this trick, you will need all the aces, kings, queens and jacks. That is, you should have 16 cards in your hands, completely devoid of any numerical values. The fairy tale sounds like that:

  • “In a distant land there lived 4 kings” - place 4 king cards on the table in front of the audience;
  • “Each of them had a daughter” - lay out 4 queens so that the suits of the king and queen match;
  • “And the daughters had suitors” - put 4 jack cards on the queens, also so that the suits match;
  • “And the grooms have security” - place the aces of the corresponding suits.
  • "And they set off. Will they get there?" - stack all four piles and ask one of the spectators to lift them. Possible several times.
  • “Now let’s see how they got there” - lay out the cards in front of you, folding them one at a time into 4 piles. Once you reveal the cards, you will see that they are all still in the same suit order as before.

No matter how the cards are picked up, they will still end up in the right piles after you place them 4 times, one at a time, in different piles.

Greetings to friends and guests of the magicians' blog.

Now I will tell you the secrets of one VERY simple trick with cards. It's called "A Tale of Two Kings." I am sure that each of you will remember your childhood, your friends to whom you showed this simple trick!

In general, we continue to consider simple tricks with cards. There are several modifications to this trick. I will tell you what I did myself.

So, to perform this trick we need 18 cards. Of these, 2 kings, 4 jacks, 4 queens, 4 tens and 4 aces! They must be arranged in a certain sequence. While telling a fable. It must be learned in advance.

“Once upon a time there were 2 kings. They had children. One has 4 beautiful daughters, and the other has 4 heroic guys. And then the kings gathered for important negotiations.”

We lay out the cards as follows: KVVVV

So that, God forbid, something happens at night, the kings and the children decided to lie down in different rooms.

And put a lock on each room! Now you need to put ten in each room. Except for the room with the kings, of course. Although... Maybe it’s necessary?

And they placed a guard at each room! On each pile of jacks, queens and tens we place an ace.

And then the night came! Now we take all the piles in turn, except for the kings. We take and put one on top of the other. Now you can let the audience move the resulting stack several times.

But don't interfere!!! This will ruin the entire sequence. Just move it several times.

Next, place the cards face down in each pile, counting one from the top of the deck.

xxxx xxxx

xxxx xxxx

And then the fresh morning came! The kings opened the rooms and were stunned by what they saw.

TTTT 10-10-10-10


The guards slept in the same room. The locks were piled in another room. And the sons and daughters scattered to the remaining rooms.

This fable should be told in time with the laying out of cards. Lay down the cards and tell a story. This concludes this simple trick with cards. Thanks to everybody, you're free.

A Tale of Two Kings

To perform this trick you will need the following cards: 2 kings, 4 aces, 4 jacks, 4 queens, 4 tens. You start by telling the viewer a fairy tale, while laying out the cards on the table: “Once upon a time there were 2 kings, one had 4 sons, and the other had 4 daughters. And then one day 2 kings gathered in one castle along with their sons and daughters for important negotiation



To nothing happened at night, the kings and their children decided to lie down in different rooms (put the cards in pairs in a pile).




They hung a lock on each door (put a ten on top of the stacks of queens and jacks).

10 10


10 10

And they placed a guard each (on the piles with tens, jacks, and queens, place one ace on top).




Has arrivednight." Without touching the kings, place all 4 piles of cards in one deck in turn. Then ask the audience to move the cards, you can move them several times. Next, lay the cards face down sequentially, one card in each of the four piles.

xxxx xxxx


xxxx xxxx

"The morning came. When the kings woke up and opened their rooms. The surprise of the kings knew no bounds." After that, open the cards.

TTTT 10-10-10-10



“All the guards slept in the same room, the locks were piled in one pile, and the sons and daughters...”

This trick clearly shows how using cards you can tell a fairy tale, and the cards will be in the order in which the fairy tale is told.